Family Advisor

Family Advisors

Family Advisors1

Manage, trade and report on multiple accounts from a single master account.

The IBKR Advantage

  • Our Stock Yield Enhancement Program lets you earn extra income on the fully-paid shares of stock held in your account.
  • Invest in stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds, funds and more across 150 markets in 34 countries from a single integrated account.
  • Powerful trading technology and advanced trading tools help you create and execute your trading strategies with ease from virtually any desktop or mobile device.
  • Fractional shares let you divide investments among more stocks to achieve a more diversified portfolio.
  • Earn interest of 4.33% on instantly available USD cash balances.*

*Restrictions apply. For additional information see our interest rates. Credit interest rate as of October 3, 2024 .

Professional Pricing – Maximize Your Returns

IBKR offers the lowest1 cost and access to stocks, options, futures, currencies , bonds and funds from a single unified platform. If an exchange provides a rebate, we pass some or all of the savings directly back to you.

Learn About Commissions

Margin rates up to 50% lower than the industry.2

Compare Margin Rates

Earn interest rates of up to USD 4.33% on instantly available cash.3

Compare Interest Rates

Earn extra income on your lendable shares.

See Stock Yield Enhancement
  1. Lowest Cost Broker according to Online Broker Survey 2023: Read the full article Online Broker Reviews, May 18, 2023. "Because Interactive Brokers' core clientele are professional traders and institutional investors (e.g., hedge funds), it is crucial to provide the lowest commissions schedule available. In our rigorous assessment, there is no question Interactive Brokers delivers."
  2. For complete information, see our margin rate comparison
  3. Restrictions apply. See additional information on interest rates. Credit interest rate as of October 3, 2024 .

Discover a World of Opportunities

Invest globally in stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds and funds from a single unified platform. Fund your account in multiple currencies and trade assets denominated in multiple currencies. Access market data 24 hours a day and six days a week.







Global Markets

*Available currencies vary by Interactive Brokers affiliate.

Graphic is for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon for investment decisions.

Map Locations
Local Time: Open Closed


Technology to Help Family Advisors Succeed

Trading Platforms

Powerful enough for the professional trader but designed for everyone. Available on desktop, mobile and web.

Comprehensive Reporting

Real-time trade confirmations, margin details, transaction cost analysis, sophisticated portfolio analysis and more.

Order Types and Algos

90+ order types – from limit orders to complex algorithmic trading – help you execute any trading strategy.

Fractional Trading

Buy or sell any eligible US or European stocks/ETFs using fractional shares, which are stock units that amount to less than one full share, or by placing an order for a specific dollar amount rather than quantity of shares.

Free Trading Tools

Spot market opportunities, analyze results, manage your account and make better decisions with our free trading tools.

API Solutions

Our proprietary API and FIX CTCI solutions let clients create their own automated, rules-based trading system that takes advantage of our high-speed order routing and broad market depth.

Create and Manage Your Complete Portfolio

Interactive Advisors

An actively managed robo-advisor and pioneer in online investing that offers low-cost, diversified portfolios customized for your needs.

Mutual Fund/ETF Replicator

Identify and invest in lower cost ETFs with similar strategies to higher-fee mutual funds.

Environmental, Social and
Governance (ESG)

ESG scores from Refinitiv give you a new set of tools for making investment decisions based on more than just financial factors.


Link investment, banking, checking, incentive plan and credit card accounts into a complete portfolio view to calculate returns, understand risks and measure performance against benchmarks.

A Broker You Can Trust

When placing your money with a broker, you need to make sure your broker is secure and can endure through good and bad times. Our strong capital position, conservative balance sheet and automated risk controls are designed to protect IBKR and our clients from large trading losses.


Nasdaq Listed


Equity Capital*


Privately Held*


Excess Regulatory Capital*


Client Accounts*


Daily Avg Revenue Trades*

IBKR Protection
Secure metal vault door

*Interactive Brokers Group and its affiliates. For additional information view our Investors Relations - Earnings Release section.

Family Advisor Account Structure

A master account is linked to individual client accounts.

  • The master account is used for fee collection and trade allocations (if permitted under relevant law and IBKR policy).
  • The advisor can open a single client account for his or her own trading.

Account Information

Advisors must be 21 or older to open a margin account, 18 or older to open a cash account.

Accounts are accepted from citizens or residents of all countries except citizens or residents of those countries or regions that are on the sanction list of the US Office of Foreign Asset Controls or similar lists, or other countries determined to be higher risk. See all available countries.

Please note that monthly activity and other minimum fees may apply.

IBHK Family Advisor Offering

Interactive Brokers Hong Kong ("IBHK") offers the Family Advisor account in order to provide administrative functionality for individuals to manage accounts belonging to family members, friends, family owned investment vehicles or trusts (where the master account holder is a member or trustee).

The following restrictions apply to Family Advisor accounts:

  • Allows up to five (5) different names of sub-account holders ("5 name restriction").
  • Where the master account holder is named as one of the sub-account holders (eg. in a sole or joint account), this does not count towards the "5 name restriction".
  • A corporation, whether wholly-owned or partly-owned by the master account holder, will count towards the "5 name restriction".
  • A maximum of 15 sub-accounts can be opened.

The following criteria must be met to open Family Advisor accounts under IBHK:

  • Master account holder must be an individual over the age of 18 years old.
  • The master account must be an individual account type.
  • Master account holder cannot charge any fees to the sub-accounts.
  • Master account holder must not solicit clients or hold themselves out to be a financial advisor.
  • Sub-account holders must specify the nature of their relationship to the master account holder (eg. spouse, parent or friend).

Open a Family Advisor Account

For information regarding your account, contact Interactive Brokers.

Looking for a different account type? Visit our website for information about our Individual account.

Start Application

Finish an Application


  1. Many states have requirements that advisors register if they have paying clients. Some allow advisors to have a de minimis number of paying clients. The rules vary from state to state. For example, Nevada has informed us that it requires that Nevada-domiciled persons be licensed as Investment Advisors to engage in this program per NRS 90.330. You must review the rules of your state and those of your clients to determine if you need to register.
  2. Restrictions apply. See additional information on interest rates. Credit interest rate as of October 3, 2024 .
  3. Lowest Cost Broker according to Online Broker Survey 2023: Read the full article Online Broker Reviews, May 18, 2023. "Because Interactive Brokers' core clientele are professional traders and institutional investors (e.g., hedge funds), it is crucial to provide the lowest commissions schedule available. In our rigorous assessment, there is no question Interactive Brokers delivers."
  4. For complete information, see our margin rate comparison
  5. Available currencies vary by Interactive Brokers affiliate.
  6. Any discussion or mention of an ETF is not to be construed as a recommendation, promotion or solicitation. All investors should review and consider associated investment risks, charges and expenses of the investment company or fund prior to investing. Before acting on this material, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and, as necessary, seek professional advice.
  7. Interactive Brokers Group and its affiliates. For additional information view our Investors Relations - Earnings Release section.